Monrovia Unified School District
Board of Education Meeting Highlights
December 2022
Board of Education Organizational Meeting
During the Annual Organizational meeting, the Monrovia Unified Board of Education elected new officers for 2023. The changes are as follows:
- Traci Gholar, Board President
- Jennifer Anderson, Board Vice President
- Rob Hammond, Board Clerk
- Maritza Travanti, Board Member
- Selene Lockerbie, Board Member
The Board of Education is grateful to Selene Lockerbie for her service to the Board of Education and MUSD this past year as President.

The Monrovia Unified Board of Education invited students from Monrovia High School’s CTE - Automotive Science Pathway to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at its December meeting. The automotive students and teacher, Mr. Rick Montenegro, shared some updates from the school year and did a fantastic job starting our Board meeting.

Members of the 4th/5th Grade Choir and MHS Performer Isabella Hurtado spread some Holiday cheer by singing some classic songs like Jingle Bells & Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. The students put on a show to remember for our Board of Education and members of the audience that night.

The Board also recognized Middle School Sports Champions from both Clifton and Santa Fe. All of these students earned awards/recognition for their efforts on the field/court. By clicking this link, you can read more about the Clifton “Human Highlighters” Cross Country team and their success at the Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) Cross Country Invitational.

Actions Taken by the Board of Education
The Board of Education appointed Rich Morrison to be Monroe’s next principal. Mr. Morrison has proudly served our district for nearly 20 years and was formerly the assistant principal at Clifton. His prior experiences include distinguished service as both a teacher and teacher-leader at Bradoaks and Wildrose and as a district instructional specialist.
The Board also appointed Danielle Gasca to the position of Assistant Principal at Santa Fe. Mrs. Gasca currently serves as an assistant principal at Animo Legacy Charter Middle School in Los Angeles. Her prior experience includes more than ten years of service as a teacher and leader at both Endeavor College Preparatory Charter School and Davis Middle School.
The Board of Education approved an agreement with Food ED for Santa Fe Computer Science Magnet School. The focus of this partnership for Santa Fe is around Project Based Learning with community partnerships where students can solve problems and use the garden as a lab to produce solutions for needs in the community.
The Board approved an agreement with Western University of Health Sciences to provide dental services to MUSD students at no cost by their College of Dental Medicine. This will offer students an opportunity for oral health screening and preventive/comprehensive dental services.
Board members approved a positive certification that the Monrovia Unified School District will be able to meet its financial obligations for the 2022-23 fiscal year and the subsequent two fiscal years. Click here to view the 2022-23 First Interim Report.
The Board of Education approved the creation of a new classified position,
College Tutor (English Learner). This tutor will help guide students toward English language proficiency and long-term academic success.
The Board of Education approved the creation of a new classified position, Instructional Aide - Elementary Intervention. This new position provides assistance to individual or small groups of elementary-aged children, monitors and reports student progress regarding academic performance, and assists in providing instruction using principles and appropriate learning strategies.
The Board approved a new collective bargaining agreement with the Monrovia Teachers Association (MTA) and Califonia School Employees Association (CSEA). The agreement includes a 9.5% salary increase for all district employees, 6.5% ongoing, and 3% one-time.
Board members approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Monrovia Unified School District and Azusa Pacific University. This MOU creates a partnership between the university and district to provide aspiring K-12 teachers in the APU teaching credentialing program the opportunity for fieldwork and student teaching opportunities in MUSD.
The Board of Education approved a Clinical Affiliation agreement between the California State University of Los Angeles and MUSD. This MOU creates a partnership between the university and district to provide aspiring Speech-Language Pathologists and School psychologists the opportunity to complete fieldwork hours toward a credential with MUSD.
Staff Presentations to the Board of Education
The Board of Education received a staff presentation regarding the next step for Measure MM after it was passed. Measure MM will assist the District in improving our schools and facilities' conditions, safety, and security.
Board Members received a presentation about 21st-century classroom furniture for all Monrovia Unified School District school sites. The presentation outlined some of the new options MUSD classrooms will have throughout the district. The plan is to modernize all classrooms and update furniture in order to meet the demands of 21st-century learning. New modular furniture will create a flexible, dynamic learning environment that promotes vibrant interaction between students and teachers and allows for group collaboration; Movement is vital to this way of learning, and furniture can play an important role.