Superintendent's Update: Latest on Bradoaks Fire 2.2.24

Dear Monrovia Unified Staff, Families, and Community, 
I hope this message finds you well despite the challenges we've faced this week at Bradoaks Elementary Science Academy. The incident on Wednesday, which led to the swift evacuation of students and staff due to a classroom fire, has undoubtedly left our community with a heavy heart. We understand the concerns regarding the cause of the fire, and we want to assure you that a thorough investigation is underway. We will promptly update the District as soon as we have more information. 
The immediate response from the Monrovia Fire Department was crucial in ensuring everyone's safety. Our district team worked diligently to provide accurate information to the Monrovia Community. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of District staff, Police, and Fire departments, all students were safely reunited with their families, and staff was sent home. 
As soon as our campus was deemed safe for students to return, our dedicated Monrovia MOT and custodial staff worked tirelessly to relocate six affected classrooms to alternate areas on the Bradoaks campus. Students initially housed in rooms 10 through 17 have been assigned to new classrooms, and the District is committed to providing the necessary materials, technology, and resources for learning. We appreciate the sacrifices and hard work of our teachers and classified staff to continue to serve students in flexible conditions. 
Understanding the emotional impact of this incident, the Monrovia Unified School District’s Crisis Response Team visited Bradoaks to offer support to both staff and students. Recognizing that ongoing assistance may be needed, we have comprehensive plans for continued emotional support. 
While we regret the loss of property and the disruption to the regular rhythm of daily life at Bradoaks, we are grateful that there were no injuries in this incident. The District is actively collaborating with insurance providers and fire investigators to assess the damage and plan the necessary steps for recovery. 
Our most profound appreciation goes out to the Monrovia Fire Department, Monrovia Police Department, City of Monrovia officials, our District staff, students, and the outstanding Monrovia community. Their swift and composed actions provided a calming presence for our school during this challenging time. 
Flint Fertig 
Interim Superintendent